1. When do you start to wear glasses?
Ian: 12 years old.
2. What kind of inconvenience that glasses bring to your life?Johnson: When eating things, it hard to see clearly.
3. Do you know what causes myopia?
Owens: I do not know.
4. Do you know how to prevent myopia?
James: Sleep enough time.
5. What do you do to improve your eye health?
Stephen: Go mountain climbing.
6. If you are near-sighted, will you try eye surgery? Why or why not?
Ristan: Yes, because I want to try.
7. When you have your children in the future, what would you do to improve your children’s eye health?
Steven: Make eyes using rule to prevent eyes abuse.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
The Situation of Myopia in Taiwan3
Recently, there are some Australian researchers examined rising rates of myopia in Asia. According to the report, the situation in Asia becomes more and more serious. For example, 80% of 18-year-old men recruited to the army in Singapore have this problem. This statistics was only 25% in 30 years ago. “Watching too much television and spending too long in front of a computer is behind rising rates of short-sightedness.” said the researchers. In fact, it becomes an important issue in Taiwan. It is said that nearsightedness is caused by television and computers because they bring a magnificent impact to our video experience. Therefore, how to prevent and cure myopia is one of the most important topics now.
When a person can not see long distant objects clearly while they do not wear glasses, it is said that the people have the nearsightedness. More often than not, myopia is caused by focusing on near objects such as books or computers for a long time. As a result, the eyes get stuck in the close-up focus position and can no longer focus on distant objects.
Thanks to those epoch-making inventions, we can have a convenient life in modern society. TVs provide us an colorful daily life. Moreover, by surfing the Internet, people can easily get new information, latest news or enjoy different kinds of exciting recreation. Needless to say, TVs and computers bring much positive influence to our world.
However, there are so many people in Taiwan do not know how to use them correctly; and that will hurt their eyesight very much. According to Ian Morgan of the Australian National University in Canberra who is quoted in the July 10, 2004 issue of New Scientist. This is one of the main reasons why there are so many people in the world have myopia problem. This is an alert for us to facing this unhealthy living habits seriously.
Another report made in Spain's Complutense University also has similar conclusion. The finding points out that 31.3% of first-years were nearsighted. After four to six years, the rate becomes 49% in their final year. The researcher, Dr. Rafaela Garrido, who presented her findings to the 10th International Myopia Conference in Cambridge in July 2004, says: "Some students are spending too long in intensive near work with their eyes. It is also a problem with people who spend too long on a computer or using a microscope. It's difficult to ask students to do less reading, as it is essential to passing courses, but we have to find ways to deal with the stress on the eyes."
It goes without saying that acousto-optic attracts out attention in many ways. On the other hand, our eyesight could easily get hurt if we expose our eyes in such an exciting situation. While we watch TVs or use computers, we easily forget to relax our eyes even when they are tired. People who do not know how to protect their eyes usually damage their eyesight without noticing it.
For example, some people do not know when to stop using their eyes. Keeping watching the screen for a long time is the fastest way to get myopia. In addition, some people watch TV or computer without enough light. Unfortunately, it brings much pressure to the eyes. Furthermore, some people sit too close to the screen in order to see more clearly. As a result, these people have biggest possibility to get myopia. Therefore, learning how to use those technology devices is an important issue for people in Taiwan.
In 2005, The International Myopia Prevention Association filed a Petition with the Food and Drug Administration. It warns people that distance glasses worsen myopia in children. In addition, shorten eyes using time such as computer usage may reduce or prevent myopia. In fact, myopia is hard to prevent, only when we know stop watching closing object every half hour can we avoid myopia.
We should take care of the time when we feel uneasy while seeing distant objects such as the TV, computer or the words on the board at school. Finding out that we have eyes problems at the first time is indispensable in the therapy. Wasting time can undoubtedly make thing become worse.
Ian Morgan said, “As kids spend more time indoors, on computers or watching television, we are going to become just as myopic.” It seems that in the future, there will be more people have myopia in the world. Nevertheless, computers and TVs are equipments which are invented to help us. Hence, if all of us can use them safely, we can enjoy the advantage they bring to us and avoid the disadvantage. Even thought the situation of myopia is a challenging problem, we can overcome this situation if we learn follow the using step.
Dr. Klaus Schmid (2002). Myopia Manual. An impartial documentation of all the reasons, therapies and recommendations. Retrieved June 1, 2008 from http://www.myopia-manual.de/
Donald S. Rehm (2001). International Myopia Prevention Association. HOW CAN WE END THIS TRAGEDY? Retrieved June 1, 2008 from http://www.myopia.org/ebook/23chapter18.htm
Cape Times (2004, July 08) Cape Times. TV, computer games, too much reading cause increasing short-sightedness in children. Retrieved June 1, 2008 from http://www.capetimes.co.za/index.php?fSectionId=272&fArticleId=2142099
Ian Morgan (Thursday, 8 July, 2004). BBC news. TV 'linked to short-sightedness'
Retrieved June 1, 2008 from http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/3876057.stm
Kate Hilpern (2004). Rense.com. TV, Computers Cause Irreparable Harm To Eyesight. Retrieved June 1, 2008 from http://www.rense.com/general57/tvcpom.htm
When a person can not see long distant objects clearly while they do not wear glasses, it is said that the people have the nearsightedness. More often than not, myopia is caused by focusing on near objects such as books or computers for a long time. As a result, the eyes get stuck in the close-up focus position and can no longer focus on distant objects.
Thanks to those epoch-making inventions, we can have a convenient life in modern society. TVs provide us an colorful daily life. Moreover, by surfing the Internet, people can easily get new information, latest news or enjoy different kinds of exciting recreation. Needless to say, TVs and computers bring much positive influence to our world.
However, there are so many people in Taiwan do not know how to use them correctly; and that will hurt their eyesight very much. According to Ian Morgan of the Australian National University in Canberra who is quoted in the July 10, 2004 issue of New Scientist. This is one of the main reasons why there are so many people in the world have myopia problem. This is an alert for us to facing this unhealthy living habits seriously.
Another report made in Spain's Complutense University also has similar conclusion. The finding points out that 31.3% of first-years were nearsighted. After four to six years, the rate becomes 49% in their final year. The researcher, Dr. Rafaela Garrido, who presented her findings to the 10th International Myopia Conference in Cambridge in July 2004, says: "Some students are spending too long in intensive near work with their eyes. It is also a problem with people who spend too long on a computer or using a microscope. It's difficult to ask students to do less reading, as it is essential to passing courses, but we have to find ways to deal with the stress on the eyes."
It goes without saying that acousto-optic attracts out attention in many ways. On the other hand, our eyesight could easily get hurt if we expose our eyes in such an exciting situation. While we watch TVs or use computers, we easily forget to relax our eyes even when they are tired. People who do not know how to protect their eyes usually damage their eyesight without noticing it.
For example, some people do not know when to stop using their eyes. Keeping watching the screen for a long time is the fastest way to get myopia. In addition, some people watch TV or computer without enough light. Unfortunately, it brings much pressure to the eyes. Furthermore, some people sit too close to the screen in order to see more clearly. As a result, these people have biggest possibility to get myopia. Therefore, learning how to use those technology devices is an important issue for people in Taiwan.
In 2005, The International Myopia Prevention Association filed a Petition with the Food and Drug Administration. It warns people that distance glasses worsen myopia in children. In addition, shorten eyes using time such as computer usage may reduce or prevent myopia. In fact, myopia is hard to prevent, only when we know stop watching closing object every half hour can we avoid myopia.
We should take care of the time when we feel uneasy while seeing distant objects such as the TV, computer or the words on the board at school. Finding out that we have eyes problems at the first time is indispensable in the therapy. Wasting time can undoubtedly make thing become worse.
Ian Morgan said, “As kids spend more time indoors, on computers or watching television, we are going to become just as myopic.” It seems that in the future, there will be more people have myopia in the world. Nevertheless, computers and TVs are equipments which are invented to help us. Hence, if all of us can use them safely, we can enjoy the advantage they bring to us and avoid the disadvantage. Even thought the situation of myopia is a challenging problem, we can overcome this situation if we learn follow the using step.
Dr. Klaus Schmid (2002). Myopia Manual. An impartial documentation of all the reasons, therapies and recommendations. Retrieved June 1, 2008 from http://www.myopia-manual.de/
Donald S. Rehm (2001). International Myopia Prevention Association. HOW CAN WE END THIS TRAGEDY? Retrieved June 1, 2008 from http://www.myopia.org/ebook/23chapter18.htm
Cape Times (2004, July 08) Cape Times. TV, computer games, too much reading cause increasing short-sightedness in children. Retrieved June 1, 2008 from http://www.capetimes.co.za/index.php?fSectionId=272&fArticleId=2142099
Ian Morgan (Thursday, 8 July, 2004). BBC news. TV 'linked to short-sightedness'
Retrieved June 1, 2008 from http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/3876057.stm
Kate Hilpern (2004). Rense.com. TV, Computers Cause Irreparable Harm To Eyesight. Retrieved June 1, 2008 from http://www.rense.com/general57/tvcpom.htm
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
The Situation of Myopia in Taiwan 2
Australian researchers examined rising rates of short-sightedness in Asia. According to the report, the situation in Asia becomes more and more serious recently. Foe example, In Singapore, 80% of 18-year-old men recruited to the army are short-sighted. This compares with 25% just 30 years ago. “Watching too much television and spending too long in front of a computer is behind rising rates of short-sightedness.” said the researchers. In fact, it becomes an important issue in Taiwan. It is said that this problem is caused by television and computers because they bring a magnificent impact to our video experience. Therefore, how to prevent and cure myopia is one of the most important topics now.
When a person cannot see distant objects clearly without glasses, it is said that the people have the nearsightedness. More often than not, nearsightedness is caused by focusing on near objects such as a book or a computer for long periods of time. The result is that the eyes get stuck in the close-up focus position and can no longer focus on distant objects.
Thanks to those epoch-making inventions, we can have a convenient life in modern society. By surfing the Internet, people can easily get new information, latest news or enjoy exciting recreation. Needless to say, TV and computer bring much positive influence to our world.
However, there are so many people in Taiwan do not know how to use them correctly; and that will hurt their eyesight very much. According to Ian Morgan of the Australian National University in Canberra who is quoted in the July 10, 2004 issue of New Scientist. This is one of the main reason why there are so many people in Taiwan have myopia problem.
Another report made in Spain's Complutense University point out that 31.3% of first-years were nearsighted. After four to six years, the rate becomes 49% in their final year. The researcher, Dr. Rafaela Garrido, who presented her findings to the 10th International Myopia Conference in Cambridge in July 2004, says: "Some students are spending too long in intensive near work with their eyes. It is also a problem with people who spend too long on a computer or using a microscope. It's difficult to ask students to do less reading, as it is essential to passing courses, but we have to find ways to deal with the stress on the eyes."
It goes without saying that acousto-optic attracts out attention in many ways. On the other hand, our eyesight could easily get hurt if we expose our eyes in such an exciting situation. People who do not know how to protect their eyes usually damage their eyesight without noticing it.
For example, some people do not know when to stop using their eyes. Keeping watching the screen for a long time is the fastest way to get myopia. In addition, some people watch TV or computer without enough light. Unfortunately, it brings much pressure to the eyes. Furthermore, some people sit too close to the screen in order to see more clearly. As a result, these people have biggest possibility to get myopia. Therefore, learning how to use those technology devices is an important issue for people in Taiwan.
In 2005, The International Myopia Prevention Association filed a Petition with the Food and Drug Administration. It warns people that distance glasses worsen myopia in children. In addition, shorten eyes using time such as computer usage may reduce or prevent myopia. In fact, myopia is hard to prevent, only when we know stop watching closing object every half hour can we avoid myopia.
We should take care of the time when we feel uneasy while seeing distant objects such as the TV, computer or the words on the board at school. Finding out that we have eyes problems at the first time is indispensable in the therapy. Wasting time can undoubtedly make thing become worse.
Nevertheless, computers and TVs is equipment which are invented to help us. Hence, if all of us can use them safely, we can enjoy the advantage they bring to us and avoid the disadvantage. Even thought the situation of myopia is a challenging problem, we can overcome this situation if we learn how to use it.
When a person cannot see distant objects clearly without glasses, it is said that the people have the nearsightedness. More often than not, nearsightedness is caused by focusing on near objects such as a book or a computer for long periods of time. The result is that the eyes get stuck in the close-up focus position and can no longer focus on distant objects.
Thanks to those epoch-making inventions, we can have a convenient life in modern society. By surfing the Internet, people can easily get new information, latest news or enjoy exciting recreation. Needless to say, TV and computer bring much positive influence to our world.
However, there are so many people in Taiwan do not know how to use them correctly; and that will hurt their eyesight very much. According to Ian Morgan of the Australian National University in Canberra who is quoted in the July 10, 2004 issue of New Scientist. This is one of the main reason why there are so many people in Taiwan have myopia problem.
Another report made in Spain's Complutense University point out that 31.3% of first-years were nearsighted. After four to six years, the rate becomes 49% in their final year. The researcher, Dr. Rafaela Garrido, who presented her findings to the 10th International Myopia Conference in Cambridge in July 2004, says: "Some students are spending too long in intensive near work with their eyes. It is also a problem with people who spend too long on a computer or using a microscope. It's difficult to ask students to do less reading, as it is essential to passing courses, but we have to find ways to deal with the stress on the eyes."
It goes without saying that acousto-optic attracts out attention in many ways. On the other hand, our eyesight could easily get hurt if we expose our eyes in such an exciting situation. People who do not know how to protect their eyes usually damage their eyesight without noticing it.
For example, some people do not know when to stop using their eyes. Keeping watching the screen for a long time is the fastest way to get myopia. In addition, some people watch TV or computer without enough light. Unfortunately, it brings much pressure to the eyes. Furthermore, some people sit too close to the screen in order to see more clearly. As a result, these people have biggest possibility to get myopia. Therefore, learning how to use those technology devices is an important issue for people in Taiwan.
In 2005, The International Myopia Prevention Association filed a Petition with the Food and Drug Administration. It warns people that distance glasses worsen myopia in children. In addition, shorten eyes using time such as computer usage may reduce or prevent myopia. In fact, myopia is hard to prevent, only when we know stop watching closing object every half hour can we avoid myopia.
We should take care of the time when we feel uneasy while seeing distant objects such as the TV, computer or the words on the board at school. Finding out that we have eyes problems at the first time is indispensable in the therapy. Wasting time can undoubtedly make thing become worse.
Nevertheless, computers and TVs is equipment which are invented to help us. Hence, if all of us can use them safely, we can enjoy the advantage they bring to us and avoid the disadvantage. Even thought the situation of myopia is a challenging problem, we can overcome this situation if we learn how to use it.
The Situation of Myopia in Taiwan
According to the report, the situation of myopia in Taiwan becomes more and more serious recently. In fact, it becomes an important issue in Taiwan. It is said that this problem is caused by television and computers because they bring a magnificent impact to our video experience. Moreover, some science reports point out that computer plays an important role in teenager’s myopia.
Thanks to those epoch-making inventions, we can have a convenient life in modern society. By surfing the Internet, people can easily get new information, latest news or enjoy exciting recreation. Needless to say, TV and computer bring much positive influence to our world. However, there are so many people in Taiwan do not know how to use them correctly; and that will hurt their eyesight very much. This is one of the main reason why there are so many people in Taiwan have myopia problem.
It goes without saying that acousto-optic attracts out attention in many ways. On the other hand, our eyesight could easily get hurt if we expose our eyes in such a exciting situation. People who do not know how to protect their eyes usually damage their eyesight without noticing it. For example, some people do not know when to stop using their eyes. Keeping watching the screen for a long time is the fastest way to get myopia. In addition, some people watch TV or computer without enough light. Unfortunately, it brings much pressure to the eyes. Furthermore, some people sit too close to the screen in order to see more clearly. As a result, these people have biggest possibility to get myopia. Therefore, learning how to use those technology device is an important issue for people in Taiwan.
Nevertheless, computers and TVs is equipment which are invented to help us. Hence, if all of us can use them safely, we can enjoy the advantage they bring to us and avoid the disadvantage. Even thought the situation of myopia is a challenging problem, we can overcome this situation if we learn how to use it
Thanks to those epoch-making inventions, we can have a convenient life in modern society. By surfing the Internet, people can easily get new information, latest news or enjoy exciting recreation. Needless to say, TV and computer bring much positive influence to our world. However, there are so many people in Taiwan do not know how to use them correctly; and that will hurt their eyesight very much. This is one of the main reason why there are so many people in Taiwan have myopia problem.
It goes without saying that acousto-optic attracts out attention in many ways. On the other hand, our eyesight could easily get hurt if we expose our eyes in such a exciting situation. People who do not know how to protect their eyes usually damage their eyesight without noticing it. For example, some people do not know when to stop using their eyes. Keeping watching the screen for a long time is the fastest way to get myopia. In addition, some people watch TV or computer without enough light. Unfortunately, it brings much pressure to the eyes. Furthermore, some people sit too close to the screen in order to see more clearly. As a result, these people have biggest possibility to get myopia. Therefore, learning how to use those technology device is an important issue for people in Taiwan.
Nevertheless, computers and TVs is equipment which are invented to help us. Hence, if all of us can use them safely, we can enjoy the advantage they bring to us and avoid the disadvantage. Even thought the situation of myopia is a challenging problem, we can overcome this situation if we learn how to use it
The Situation of Myopia in Taiwan (Title of the essay)
The situation of myopia in Taiwan becomes a serious problem because of new technology such as TV and computer.
Background paragraph
In modern world, we use convenient equipment to learn new thing, get latest information and enjoy interesting recreation. However, people who do not know how to protect their eyes may get myopia easily.
Body paragraph
Gorgeous acousto-optic attract our attention but make our eyes tired. This is the reason why we have more myopia people than in the past.
TV and computer is useful in our society. However, we should know how to use them safely.
The situation of myopia in Taiwan becomes a serious problem because of new technology such as TV and computer.
Background paragraph
In modern world, we use convenient equipment to learn new thing, get latest information and enjoy interesting recreation. However, people who do not know how to protect their eyes may get myopia easily.
Body paragraph
Gorgeous acousto-optic attract our attention but make our eyes tired. This is the reason why we have more myopia people than in the past.
TV and computer is useful in our society. However, we should know how to use them safely.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Hotter and Hotter Days
It goes without saying that the weather becomes hotter day by day. Unfortunately, we still have no air-condition in out dormitory. There fore, we have to stand the unusual heat when we stay in dormitory. The worst thing is sleeping. When I enter this university, I consider that there are no air-condition is a small problem. Now I know it is a big one.
Some of my classmates like to use the reading room because the temperature is nice due to the air-condition working. However, we can not sleep in that room. So the night heat still bothers us a lot. On the other hand, while the weather becomes hotter, some insects become more active. The mosquitoes in our room also bring us a huge problem, making sleep more difficult. In fact, although I have more time to sleep recently, the time I really sleep become shorter. I was glad to know that we finally have the air–condition next semester.
Some of my classmates like to use the reading room because the temperature is nice due to the air-condition working. However, we can not sleep in that room. So the night heat still bothers us a lot. On the other hand, while the weather becomes hotter, some insects become more active. The mosquitoes in our room also bring us a huge problem, making sleep more difficult. In fact, although I have more time to sleep recently, the time I really sleep become shorter. I was glad to know that we finally have the air–condition next semester.
Preparing for Biology
Even thought it is far when we have the biology final exam, we still have to prepare it as fast as we can. It is because that we have to read more than 130 pages in our textbook. In addition, we also have to study five topics about Nobel price in the past ten years. That is, the final exam of our biology is a challenging work for all of us.
On the other hand, other subjects start their final exams recently. Therefore, we should be more attention to face to the tough situation. In my opinion, if we prepare the biology earlier, we can handle the position more safely. In other words, our free time will become less and less these days. I hope I can do a good job.
On the other hand, other subjects start their final exams recently. Therefore, we should be more attention to face to the tough situation. In my opinion, if we prepare the biology earlier, we can handle the position more safely. In other words, our free time will become less and less these days. I hope I can do a good job.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
A Cute Boy
This weekend, one of my father’s student invited my house and had a talk with my father. In fact, my father taught this student twenty years ago. At that time, my father and my mother just fall in love. Therefore, she is undoubtedly adult. She came to my house with her husband, who is gentle and quite. Moreover, they brought a very cute boy to my house.
Even thought sometimes he did not listen to our demand, but it goes without saying that he was a nice child. He is outgoing and like to have some photograph. In the afternoon, we go to a park near my house. When he saw that there were many small stone in the ground, he feel very exciting. Soon, he run into the place and had fun. We were happy to see him enjoy this park. It also shows that the park near my house is interesting.
Finally, he went back with his parents. I say goodbye to him, and he waved back to me. I was so surprising that he is so gentle. In my opinion, one day he will be a popular person.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
The Biggest Lion Head in Taiwan
This month, I went to 北投 to learn how to manipulate a community. In my opinion, I am a very lucky person who can see the biggest lion head in Taiwan. That day, we went to a huge house; and the lion head was put in second floor. I was so surprise that people can produce such a big lion head with everyone’s effort.
In fact, the lion head was more than three meters height. The leader of the community said that this lion head was too big to make any performance. In addition, moving the lion head is also a difficult challenge. Seeing the marvelous lion head, I thought I had a good fortune to meet this unforgettable experience.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Observing The Park
This month, some of my classmates went to 北投 to learn how to make a society more heartwarming. I and fore of my classmates choose the topic about the park which was created without government’s help. In fact, that is a very small park; and the shape of the park is strange. If we see the park from the top floor, we can notice that that park’s appearance is familiar to “L.”
Surprisingly, this park was formed by all the people who live near the place. We can see green grass, tall tree and some interesting items. In addition, we also learned that park is a nice place for people communicate to each other and improve mutual understanding. Even though the park is not big, its influence is huge. I really have an unforgettable experience from that learning trip.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Think Before You Cut
The topic of this article is origin from one of my cloth. I got the cloth when I join in the first campus after I enter university. I think these words mean that we should learn and discuss before we go into laboratory.
I think these words can be used when we have biological experiment this month. We anatomized mouse and observe its vessels and internal organs. Before this anatomizing, I had heard that the vessels of mouse is frail, and we should be careful if when we move our knife. After I anatomized the mouse, I thought they were right. I met some difficult position and bump into many challenge. I could see blood run every where. However, I finally did this job as good as I can. I thought precaution is indispensable when we anatomize some animal. I will try to improve my skill and do not let this condition happened.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Learning One Tire Bicycle 4
This weekend, I tried to ride one tire bicycle in first floor instead of fourth floor. In fact, I still could not learn “free on” this week. I was so envied some children who learn “free on” in one week or two weeks. However, even though I had to hold the wall or steak when I start every time, I had some improvement in other part. For example, I could turn right and left faster. My father put some flower pots to let me practice.
I enjoyed that time very much. In my opinion, riding in a broad space could bring a positive effect to our mood. I feel relaxed and cheerful. After that, I tried to ride with my father, learning how to show some interesting gesture. According to my father’s saying, nine of his students already learn how to play stunt. They also show their excellent result in elementary school sport game. I hope one day I can learn something like what they learn.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Free Writing
After several difficult exams, I feel comfortable because I finally have a free week without preparing any subject. On the other word, I can do what I really want to do instead of what I need to do in this weekend. I think I have to exercise more recently, so I choose a sunny day, jogging in the mountains with my parents. We go to Yang-Ming mountains and see quite a few flowers and, of course, a lot of tourists. After coming back, we went to a nice restaurant to celebrate the once-should-be-celebrated day-mother’s day. Actually, my mother doesn’t like to eat out as well as she doesn’t like to eat some delicate food. But she seems so happy that during the dinner time smile is always found on her face. Then I gave Mom the Mother’s Day card to express my gratitude for her, the amazing things happen she was crying that I did not know how to react in that moment. She said that she is very proud of me and very happy having the son. My feeling is the same as my mother. I am so lucky having such so nice Mom. The best thing in this world is that there are people love you especially parents, thus, we should treasure the time with our parents, instead of when they are dead.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Finding New Roommates
We have to find new roommate for the next semester because we will move to another dormitory after this year. It is said that the room in that dormitory is smaller than where we live now. Therefore, all of my classmate consider it is an important issue. If we find roommate who have the same living habits, we will have a nice school live. On the other hand, we may feel uneasy when we get along with other roommates. Luckily, I find my new roommates yesterday. Even though we have not lived together before, but I think we will do our best to be a considerate roommate. Needless to say, what we have to do is treat roommates with sincerity and improve mutual understanding. In my opinion, it is roommates that give us a hand when we feel helpless in school and cheer us up.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Learning One Tire Bicycle 3
According to scientist report, if it were not for regular exercise, one will become tired physically and wrecked spiritually easily. Therefore, every weekend, I go to my elementary school to practice riding one tire bicycle.
Last weekend, I successfully ride it five meters without holding the wall. This weekend, I tried to ride more length. My practice started from sitting on to one tire bicycle when I hold the pillar. I tried my best to keep balance and ride longer. In the beginning, I found that I would ride very fast and then fall down immediately. Hence, I decided to slow down my speed in order to having better consequence. However, I soon noticed that slow down the speed also could result falling down. I spent more than one hour to search the safe speed. After I found out how to ride one tire bicycle more balance, I kept riding. Finally, I can ride 40 meters, which is as long as a aisle when I practiced for more than two hours.
My father said I made a progress in a fast pace. I was also proud of my achievement. Needless to say, I have to make effort in the future so as to learn one tire bicycle. It goes without saying that hard working and perseverance is indispensable on our way to reach our goal.
Last weekend, I successfully ride it five meters without holding the wall. This weekend, I tried to ride more length. My practice started from sitting on to one tire bicycle when I hold the pillar. I tried my best to keep balance and ride longer. In the beginning, I found that I would ride very fast and then fall down immediately. Hence, I decided to slow down my speed in order to having better consequence. However, I soon noticed that slow down the speed also could result falling down. I spent more than one hour to search the safe speed. After I found out how to ride one tire bicycle more balance, I kept riding. Finally, I can ride 40 meters, which is as long as a aisle when I practiced for more than two hours.
My father said I made a progress in a fast pace. I was also proud of my achievement. Needless to say, I have to make effort in the future so as to learn one tire bicycle. It goes without saying that hard working and perseverance is indispensable on our way to reach our goal.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Observe Plants
One of our group projects in biology experiment class is observing plants in our school. It sounds that this is an easy job because there are so many trees and grace in our school.
In fact, “green” is the characteristic of out campus. Whenever we step into our campus, we can see trees located in green grass at first. Our group is focus on the grass while other groups focus on trees. We have to identify what kind of the plant and the detail of each part on it. After doing this for the first time, I noticed that this project have lots of thing to do. It is because identifying the category of plant is more difficult than I think. Therefore, I choose aloe as my target. Surprisingly, the aloe in our school is beautiful. At the same time when I saw the aloe is blooming, I was so happy that I have this opportunity to saw this situation.
As the result, even though doing this group project is a little difficult, I still learn a lot from it. Beside, the sensation when I saw aloe’s flower is a unforgettable experience.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Learning One Tire Bicycle 2

Compare to my father’s students who were taught by professional coach, I have to learn one tire bicycle by myself. Fortunately, my father taught me that there are some goals that I can refer to.
According to these students learning experience, I have to learn ride it fluently without holding the wall first. After I can ride one tire bicycle more then 20 meters, I have to learn how to turn right and turn left. Third, the riders should prolong their length of riding in order to make sure that they have enough power to keep riding. Finally, we have to learn how to get on one tire bicycle without holding the wall. This movement was named “free on.” it is said that free on is the most difficult motion. After learning it, we can said that person already know how to ride one tire bicycle. However, there are still some movements which usually used in performance.
This week, I can ride more than 3 meter without holding the wall. My father said that is a big progress. After experiencing the feeling about riding, I can learn faster and faster. In fact, those elementary school student also know that they will getting better and better after riding a short length. Therefore, I think I can keep learning and having fun in learning one tire bicycle.
P.S. the picture comes from an elementary school in Koushon
According to these students learning experience, I have to learn ride it fluently without holding the wall first. After I can ride one tire bicycle more then 20 meters, I have to learn how to turn right and turn left. Third, the riders should prolong their length of riding in order to make sure that they have enough power to keep riding. Finally, we have to learn how to get on one tire bicycle without holding the wall. This movement was named “free on.” it is said that free on is the most difficult motion. After learning it, we can said that person already know how to ride one tire bicycle. However, there are still some movements which usually used in performance.
This week, I can ride more than 3 meter without holding the wall. My father said that is a big progress. After experiencing the feeling about riding, I can learn faster and faster. In fact, those elementary school student also know that they will getting better and better after riding a short length. Therefore, I think I can keep learning and having fun in learning one tire bicycle.
P.S. the picture comes from an elementary school in Koushon
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Planning go to Europe

Even though I have already visit China and Japan in resent years, I still want to take a trip to foreign country located beyond Asia. In fact, the one thing I would like to do most after I enter college is to travel Europe. I have been longing to go on a trip to Europe after my younger brother went to Germen and had a lot of fun. However, it seems that I had never had much time and money to do during my high school days. This summer, I have the chance to go to Europe and move with bicycle.
The leader of this trip is one of my elementary school teachers. He had traveled to Europe many times. It goes without saying that he has the ability to provide an unforgettable trip. Our trip would last more than twenty days. Moreover, we have only nine people in our group. Therefore, we can plan our trip with flexibility. The most important thing is that we do not have to go to shop stores where travel agency always leads the customer head to.
It is sad that my entire family members are busy in this summer. But I invite two friends to enjoy the spectacular scenes. In addition, I should practice speaking English as best as I can, so that I can communicate with European without embarrassing. And I would have to find a part time job to earn some money. Or I would become bankrupt after the travel.
The leader of this trip is one of my elementary school teachers. He had traveled to Europe many times. It goes without saying that he has the ability to provide an unforgettable trip. Our trip would last more than twenty days. Moreover, we have only nine people in our group. Therefore, we can plan our trip with flexibility. The most important thing is that we do not have to go to shop stores where travel agency always leads the customer head to.
It is sad that my entire family members are busy in this summer. But I invite two friends to enjoy the spectacular scenes. In addition, I should practice speaking English as best as I can, so that I can communicate with European without embarrassing. And I would have to find a part time job to earn some money. Or I would become bankrupt after the travel.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Learning One Tire Bicycle 1

In this semester, I went to my elementary school on weekends to learn “one tire bicycle”. In fact, my elementary school tried to let students learn bicycle when they on the age of learning new thing fast. Moreover, many schools in Taiwan also interest in teaching one tire bicycle. I was glad to know that there are more then ten students in my father’s class know how to control this bicycle. Also, after hearing that those children enjoyed this sport a lot, I hope I can try my best to learn it.
I had no teacher, and what I could do is practice week by week. However, it was so difficult at the beginning. I have to find the balance both in front and back and right and left. I even wanted to give up some times. It is because that whenever I wanted to let my self alone, I fall down to ground and hurt my legs immediately. The reason that keeps me learning continuous is that I think “diligence is the mother of success”. Diligence makes us get rid of the bad habit of lazy. In addition, it helps us a lot on the road we achieve our goals. In my opinion, it is possible for me to skill in riding one tire bicycle if I practice as hard as possible.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Doing Nobel Project

All of us have to introduce a Nobel price in our biological class. My group chose the 2004 chemistry Nobel price. In fact, I have already read this observation in my textbook. However, what we had to do is show the details about how this observation influences our world. We searched books, magazines, science papers. Most important of all, we learned how to use Internet well.
In the past, people were writing their reports by hands, researching their reports at the library, where many books were dusty and out-of-date. Nowadays, computer allow us to save hours every day, which piles up after a while into a tremendous amount of time. The benefits they bring are incalculable. Recently, the Internet play more and more important role in out study.
In my opinion, I rely on computer for this project. After connected to the Internet, a personal computer becomes the entrance to the knowledge world. We found many useful website and learned latest information from it. In addition, we demonstrate the knowledge with power point. After out introduce, some of my classmates said we did a good job. I was glad to hear that. Also, I have to thank all my group members’ effort.
In the past, people were writing their reports by hands, researching their reports at the library, where many books were dusty and out-of-date. Nowadays, computer allow us to save hours every day, which piles up after a while into a tremendous amount of time. The benefits they bring are incalculable. Recently, the Internet play more and more important role in out study.
In my opinion, I rely on computer for this project. After connected to the Internet, a personal computer becomes the entrance to the knowledge world. We found many useful website and learned latest information from it. In addition, we demonstrate the knowledge with power point. After out introduce, some of my classmates said we did a good job. I was glad to hear that. Also, I have to thank all my group members’ effort.
Watch Our School
Last Thursday, I and my classmates went to see our schools plants. We were leaded by our biological teacher. Our goal is the mountain beneath our school. On our way to the mountain, we discovered the beauty of nature. Tall trees stranded behind the road and protected people from severe sunshine. Moreover, the grass released flesh smell, brining energy to us. And beautiful flowers showed their perfect appearances to us. In fact, I considered the grass a large green sea. In the past, I did not discover that there are so many beautiful places in my school. And I never notice that the color of grass could be so wonderful. During we discovered some plants, some cars and trucks rushed away without seeing the landscape. I thought those drivers were so unlucky.
Even though the weather was hot, we still had a good time. Some of my classmates complained that there was too much noise on the road. In my opinion, I learned a lot in the afternoon. I think the protection of nature cannot be over emphasized. If we lost the beautiful plants, we will lose them forever. A nice environment is essential to all the people. We have to do our best to prevent the breathtaking sense and teach the next generation the important about the nature. We have the duty to make our environment more and more comfortable. This was what I learn in the afternoon.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Assignment for Reference
CBC News in Depth: Avian Flu. (2008).Retrieved March 28, 2008 from http://www.cbc.ca/news/background/avianflu/
WHO Avian influenza. (2008). Retrieved March 29, 2008 from http://www.who.int/csr/disease/avian_influenza/en/
CIDRAP >> Avian Influenza. (2008). Retrieved March 29, 2008 from
Centre for health protection.(2006). Retrieved March 29, 2008 from
pandemicflu.gov. (2008). Retrieved March 29, 2008 from
Avian flu: Web focus: Nature.(2008). Retrieved March 29, 2008 from
Avian Flu - FAO's Animal Production and Health Division - home. (2007). Retrieved March 29, 2008 from http://www.fao.org/avianflu/en/index.html
Kidshealth. (1995). Retrieved March 29, 2008 from http://kidshealth.org/parent/general/sick/avian_flu.html
Bird flu (avian influenza) - MayoClinic.com. (1998). Retrieved March 29, 2008 from http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/bird-flu/DS00566
Prevention of Avian Influenza. (2004). Retrieved March 29, 2008 from http://www.info.gov.hk/info/flu/eng/index.htm
WHO Avian influenza. (2008). Retrieved March 29, 2008 from http://www.who.int/csr/disease/avian_influenza/en/
CIDRAP >> Avian Influenza. (2008). Retrieved March 29, 2008 from
Centre for health protection.(2006). Retrieved March 29, 2008 from
pandemicflu.gov. (2008). Retrieved March 29, 2008 from
Avian flu: Web focus: Nature.(2008). Retrieved March 29, 2008 from
Avian Flu - FAO's Animal Production and Health Division - home. (2007). Retrieved March 29, 2008 from http://www.fao.org/avianflu/en/index.html
Kidshealth. (1995). Retrieved March 29, 2008 from http://kidshealth.org/parent/general/sick/avian_flu.html
Bird flu (avian influenza) - MayoClinic.com. (1998). Retrieved March 29, 2008 from http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/bird-flu/DS00566
Prevention of Avian Influenza. (2004). Retrieved March 29, 2008 from http://www.info.gov.hk/info/flu/eng/index.htm
Monday, March 24, 2008
A Busy Weekend
I had a busy weekend. Worst of all, this kind of life may continue three weeks. It is because we will have many exams in the next month. Moreover, I have to prepare two group projects which should be shown recently. Needless to say, no one can have a good mood when he has to handle lots of homework. In fact, I spent all my afternoon on computer. Due to teachers’ demand, most of homework must use Internet and printing machine. Even I enjoy the time playing computer, I could not stand working on it for six hours. In my opinion, that was a horrible time. Thanks to my parents’ patient, I worked in a tranquil atmosphere. I felt I was a lucky person.
After facing this unforgettable experience, I wonder why I meet this difficulty. Maybe I should face my default – procrastinate. The main reason I have a terrible weekend is that I left some works in week days. However, many small works consist of a difficult work. I have to learn how to deal with my leisure time, because ability about time control is indispensable on the lif
After facing this unforgettable experience, I wonder why I meet this difficulty. Maybe I should face my default – procrastinate. The main reason I have a terrible weekend is that I left some works in week days. However, many small works consist of a difficult work. I have to learn how to deal with my leisure time, because ability about time control is indispensable on the lif
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Watch “Olive Twist”
In Thursday, I have read a movie named as “Olive Twist”. It is adapted from a famous novel. In fact, I have heard this novel’s name in Chinese; however, the translation is so different that I cannot recognize. This is a story about an orphan tried to find a nice life. After meeting many difficulties, he conquered obstacles and attained his goal. It is an impressing movie. Even though I did not know any actors or actresses name, I still consider this movie deliver many ideas to the spectaculars. In my opinion, a good movie is not necessarily performed by superstars. The really important thing is that whether the movie can touch our heart or inspire our spirit.
The movie shows us the reality in capitalism in the past. Capitals’ live is luxurious while labors could not eat enough food. It is a significant contrast to two different worlds. However, our society still has the same problem. Gape between rich people and poor people are sharp. I was very sad to saw that.
As the story unfolds on screen, my mood goes up and down with the plot. “Oliver Twist” really touched the deepest part of my mind. Because some of my classmate watched this movie together, we discussed the films and share our feeling after watching it. I thought that even this story had a good ending, many poor children’s life may ended in misery at that time. Moreover, familiar tragedies still happened on the world. “Olive Twist” gives us much space to think this world we live.
The movie shows us the reality in capitalism in the past. Capitals’ live is luxurious while labors could not eat enough food. It is a significant contrast to two different worlds. However, our society still has the same problem. Gape between rich people and poor people are sharp. I was very sad to saw that.
As the story unfolds on screen, my mood goes up and down with the plot. “Oliver Twist” really touched the deepest part of my mind. Because some of my classmate watched this movie together, we discussed the films and share our feeling after watching it. I thought that even this story had a good ending, many poor children’s life may ended in misery at that time. Moreover, familiar tragedies still happened on the world. “Olive Twist” gives us much space to think this world we live.
Talking about Myself
My name is Renny, and my Chinese name is 簡農軒. I am freshman in 長庚university. In fact, I did not enter any university while I graduate from senior high school. It is because I was not satisfied to my grade in university entrance exam. Therefore, I decided to prepare for the exam the next year. It goes without saying that that I had a tired time that year. However, when I saw my final grades, I knew all the effort is rewarded. This is also the first time I live in dormitory. I have much to learn, including improving roommates’ mutual understanding, controlling time, and taking care of myself.
Everyone has his advantages and shortcomings, and I am no exception. Hard working and perseverance are both of my quality. They were cultivated when I prepared university entrance exam. I think “No pains, no gains” is a good proverb. I will do everything with all my might until I reach my goal. I can take care of my grade even I join two clubs in school. On the other hand, my fault is that I cannot concentrate on one thing for a long time. Due to this short point, I usually have to spend more time to finish homework. Also, I may do some mistake when I was absent-minded. I hope I can cure this fault in university.
Talking to my favorite exercises. My favorite exercise is swimming. In my opinion, swimming is one of the best exercises. It can not only help us keep figure but also relax our mind. Whenever I have stress, I go swimming. After swimming, I feel happier and healthier. Because of so many advantages, I join swimming club in university.
In my leisure time, I like playing computer. Playing computer can release emotions and relieve tension. But if we spend too much time on the computer, we would forget to do our work. Hence, I all play computer less one hour per day. Moreover, I use computer to learn new information. I have already learn a lot the method to manipulate useful software. Some of latest news can also be found on the Internet.
In conclusion, I still have many things to learn. I want to create an unforgettable experience in university. Needless to say, patient and sympathy are indispensable on my way to reach my goal.
Everyone has his advantages and shortcomings, and I am no exception. Hard working and perseverance are both of my quality. They were cultivated when I prepared university entrance exam. I think “No pains, no gains” is a good proverb. I will do everything with all my might until I reach my goal. I can take care of my grade even I join two clubs in school. On the other hand, my fault is that I cannot concentrate on one thing for a long time. Due to this short point, I usually have to spend more time to finish homework. Also, I may do some mistake when I was absent-minded. I hope I can cure this fault in university.
Talking to my favorite exercises. My favorite exercise is swimming. In my opinion, swimming is one of the best exercises. It can not only help us keep figure but also relax our mind. Whenever I have stress, I go swimming. After swimming, I feel happier and healthier. Because of so many advantages, I join swimming club in university.
In my leisure time, I like playing computer. Playing computer can release emotions and relieve tension. But if we spend too much time on the computer, we would forget to do our work. Hence, I all play computer less one hour per day. Moreover, I use computer to learn new information. I have already learn a lot the method to manipulate useful software. Some of latest news can also be found on the Internet.
In conclusion, I still have many things to learn. I want to create an unforgettable experience in university. Needless to say, patient and sympathy are indispensable on my way to reach my goal.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
A Comparison of Two Ads

These two companies both sell pizza, but their ads are different to each other. Looking their package, it is easy to discover that they give different image to customers. The ads use special color, description, decorate and cute character to show their unique feature. For starters, Hell Pizza uses dark color to construct a mysterious atmosphere. On the other hand, Wagner Pizza uses a great quantity bright color such as yellow, orange and red to motivate customers’ appetite. Secondly, Hell Pizza do not use any description to introduce its product. It seems that this pizza is keeping some secret, and we have the right to search it. However, Wagner Pizza puts many descriptions on their ads, letting the customer know how the pizza taste and the pizza’s composition. Third, compare to the Hell Pizza’s simple package, Wagner Pizza skills in decorating its ads. Even Hell Pizza package is weird in appearance, it show the characteristic which can attract people having curiosity. Finally, while Hell Pizza uses flame to introduce pizza’s taste, Wagner Pizza chooses a carton character to draw children’s attention. It is a great idea in getting better grades about selling.
Why are these ads having so many different in appearance? In my opinion, it is because that they have different customers. The Hell Pizza wants teenagers and adults to buy its pizzas. Comparatively speaking, Wagner Pizza puts the goal on children and families. To begin with, children like to choose a pizza with cute and bright package due to carton they have ever seen in daily life. But teenagers like to venture on trying abnormal things, and this ability would make them choose a pizza with weird package. In addition, when a family wants to choose a pizza for dinner, they would choose Wagner Pizza because of its bright color. It goes without saying that having this pizza can have an unforgettable dinner time. However, when groups of friend want to have a party, they would likely choose Hell Pizza to show their distinctive eyesight. The result comes from children and teenagers different love. For example, children like energetic color, beautiful decorate and interesting cartons. On the other sight, teenagers like cool appearance, surprising items and unique issue. In conclusion, even though these two pizza ads have much different, they undoubtedly will use their special and interesting ideas to attract different kinds of people’s attention.
Monday, March 17, 2008
A Speech about Cultivating Plants
Today, I went to listen to a speech about cultivating plants. In this speech, we would learn how to transplant the tree and discovery the plant around us. This speech was held by plant club. Because I am interesting in the ecology, I decided to join it.
The speaker is an expert, and his speech was excellent, too. On the beginning, he showed us many photographs and introduced the places. He also said that cultivating plants has many advantage. First of all, the plant can beautify the environment. That would not only make our society more colorful but also provide a peaceful atmosphere. Secondly, tree plays an important role in environment protection. The development of industry has brought greater prosperity to our environment, but has also cause increasingly serious pollution. The plants can brush the air, stabilizes mud and conserve water. Therefore, cultivating trees is indispensable in modern world. Finally, transplanting trees can reconstruct an ecology system, sustaining the variety of animal. I could not agree with him anymore.
Later, the speaker taught us to transplant trees in many ways. Those were the methods to move the trees. In addition, we can also use those techniques to make trees more beautiful. In those two hours, I learned a lot mechanics. I hope that the day I can use what I learn to beautify our environment can coming soon.
The speaker is an expert, and his speech was excellent, too. On the beginning, he showed us many photographs and introduced the places. He also said that cultivating plants has many advantage. First of all, the plant can beautify the environment. That would not only make our society more colorful but also provide a peaceful atmosphere. Secondly, tree plays an important role in environment protection. The development of industry has brought greater prosperity to our environment, but has also cause increasingly serious pollution. The plants can brush the air, stabilizes mud and conserve water. Therefore, cultivating trees is indispensable in modern world. Finally, transplanting trees can reconstruct an ecology system, sustaining the variety of animal. I could not agree with him anymore.
Later, the speaker taught us to transplant trees in many ways. Those were the methods to move the trees. In addition, we can also use those techniques to make trees more beautiful. In those two hours, I learned a lot mechanics. I hope that the day I can use what I learn to beautify our environment can coming soon.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Describe the Ad

The Hell Pizza ad is very attractive because it gives the consumers an abnormal impression about pizza. In this modern society, it is hard to satisfy the consumers with common goods. In this ad, Hell Pizza uses black package to provide a gloomy atmosphere. In my opinion, people who familiar with red pizza package would feel interested in this idea.
Although the package is weird in appearance, it still delivers information about the taste of the pizza. Whenever we see its package, we consider the pizza is hot and spicy. Due to the blue and white fire on the box, Hell Pizza successfully attracts our attention.
It is interesting to find special ads on the Internet. We can not only enjoy inventors’ creative but also try to find out the metaphor. I am glad to do this job.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Bridge Club’s Appointment
Yesterday was bridge club’s appointment. Fellow students have prepared many kinds’ of food to celebrate this special day. In the beginning of this semester, I was been told that I don’t need to eat dinner before the appointment. However, I forgot it. Therefore, I had dinner before I went to the bridge club. Whenever I entered the classroom, I was surprised at so many people came to our club. Compare to the normal days, there were about triple people in the classroom.
At first, I wondered why so many people arrived at the same time. Not until one fellow student welcomed me, I had no idea what happened. Later, I regretted for my forgetful. But I was still happy to see all the student can had a good time. Keeping in touch with each other is the best way to foster sensibilities.
That night, I saw many pizzas, fried chickens, cakes, and coke. Even I didn’t feel hungry, I ate some of them. In fact, I felt stuff at last. I had a great evening yesterday, because I met many people, had some delicacy, and practiced my skill in bridge. It is said that playing bridge is one of the best way which enable us to think carefully. I can’t agree with it anymore.
At first, I wondered why so many people arrived at the same time. Not until one fellow student welcomed me, I had no idea what happened. Later, I regretted for my forgetful. But I was still happy to see all the student can had a good time. Keeping in touch with each other is the best way to foster sensibilities.
That night, I saw many pizzas, fried chickens, cakes, and coke. Even I didn’t feel hungry, I ate some of them. In fact, I felt stuff at last. I had a great evening yesterday, because I met many people, had some delicacy, and practiced my skill in bridge. It is said that playing bridge is one of the best way which enable us to think carefully. I can’t agree with it anymore.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Swimming in Spring
Although the temperature is still cold, spring has arrived. This weekend, I and my father went to a swimming pool in my junior high school. It was cold outside in the afternoon. At first, I was reluctant to go swimming. However, my father told me that the water in the pool was warm and he thought we would feel comfortable.
Finally, we enter the pool. In my opinion, the air was just about 18℃. Surprisingly, the water was 31℃! No wander the swimming pool can open all the year. I haven’t found such a warm swimming pool. It is hard to describe the feeling when I entered the water. During two hours when I swam, I not only practiced frog kick for the competition but relax my mood. In fact, I had a busy weekend, having to do much homework. Swimming is one way for me to emit my pressure.
Needless to say, both of us had a great time. Moreover, I decided that the next weekend, I will go swimming again. It is because regular exercise is indispensable in keeping healthy!
Finally, we enter the pool. In my opinion, the air was just about 18℃. Surprisingly, the water was 31℃! No wander the swimming pool can open all the year. I haven’t found such a warm swimming pool. It is hard to describe the feeling when I entered the water. During two hours when I swam, I not only practiced frog kick for the competition but relax my mood. In fact, I had a busy weekend, having to do much homework. Swimming is one way for me to emit my pressure.
Needless to say, both of us had a great time. Moreover, I decided that the next weekend, I will go swimming again. It is because regular exercise is indispensable in keeping healthy!
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