Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Learning One Tire Bicycle 4

This weekend, I tried to ride one tire bicycle in first floor instead of fourth floor. In fact, I still could not learn “free on” this week. I was so envied some children who learn “free on” in one week or two weeks. However, even though I had to hold the wall or steak when I start every time, I had some improvement in other part. For example, I could turn right and left faster. My father put some flower pots to let me practice.

I enjoyed that time very much. In my opinion, riding in a broad space could bring a positive effect to our mood. I feel relaxed and cheerful. After that, I tried to ride with my father, learning how to show some interesting gesture. According to my father’s saying, nine of his students already learn how to play stunt. They also show their excellent result in elementary school sport game. I hope one day I can learn something like what they learn.

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