Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Finding New Roommates

We have to find new roommate for the next semester because we will move to another dormitory after this year. It is said that the room in that dormitory is smaller than where we live now. Therefore, all of my classmate consider it is an important issue. If we find roommate who have the same living habits, we will have a nice school live. On the other hand, we may feel uneasy when we get along with other roommates. Luckily, I find my new roommates yesterday. Even though we have not lived together before, but I think we will do our best to be a considerate roommate. Needless to say, what we have to do is treat roommates with sincerity and improve mutual understanding. In my opinion, it is roommates that give us a hand when we feel helpless in school and cheer us up.

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